
Deluxe Lion Kit

This deluxe lion accessory kit is a quick and easy look for Halloween.


You love your house cat but your relationship isn’t without its difficulties. Fluffy struts around your house like she owns the place, let’s face it, she does kind of own the place. She seems to like you but you can’t seem to get any respect from her. It never fails, every time you fold your clean clothes you seem to look up to find her settling down for a nap on your work pants, thoroughly weaving her fur into the fabric. When you put that half-full glass of water on your nightstand she seems to knock it over just as you’re drifting off to sleep. That comfy couch that you picked out for your living room is starting to look pretty shabby after her daily attacks. You need to show her who the ruler of your domain is. You pay the rent, you buy her catnip, it’s time she sees you as more than the sap who cleans her litter box. This lion accessory kit is sure to let her know which puss wears the boots in your relationship. She’ll stop scratching the couch as soon as you walk out in your new wild mane and long luxurious tail. Fluffy will be so impressed that she won’t dare cross the king of cats. Now that your dynamic has changed you two can put your differences aside and hang out like only cool cats can. You can nap together in that puddle of sunlight on the floor. You can sit at the window and chirp at the birds together. Maybe you’ll even share a bowl of milk. If anyone teases you for your new fashion sense just take a page out of Fluffy’s book and use those new feline paws to knock over their glass of water. After all, the king of the jungle does what the king wants!