Add a little humorous injury to Halloween with this Saw Headband Costume Prop. This costume accessory will make it look like you had a terrible injury in the workshop.
Skull Splitting HeadacheYou’ve had a headache for days. One of those headaches that makes you feel lightheaded and a little queasy. The only thing you want to do is sleep, shut your eyes and wake up feeling better. You’ve taken pain-relievers and drank water until you feel ready to pop, hoping the pesky ache will just fade away. Even your friends and co-workers have started to give you odd looks and gesturing at your head as if they can tell something is wrong. You haven’t complained about the pain once, but everyone is starting to catch on it seems.Have you checked a mirror lately? It might explain why you’ve been feeling so bad… We’re not sure how long the saw has been there, but we can assume it’s the cause of your headache. We’re sure your discomfort was so distracting that you failed to notice the tool sitting there, but now that you know we bet you can remedy your headache!Product DetailsOh, it’s just a Saw Headband? Well, we suggest consulting a doctor about your headache then. In the meantime, let us congratulate you on your deceptive accessory! The plastic headband blended right in with your hair, and we couldn’t even tell that the blade was made of foam. We should have guessed since the blood splatter always looked fresh, but we were too startled by how comfortable you looked walking around with a saw in your skull.Silly SlasherCause a scream this Halloween with this gory but hilarious Saw Headband. Whether you’re looking to frighten or prank, you’ll look like you’ve strolled right out of a slasher film!