
Link Hylian Adult Ears

These Link Hylian Adult Ears make you look like the hero from Zelda!


Want to be a hero? One that saves, not only a princess but, the entire kingdom from the reign of terror under an evil pig wizard? A hero that loves wearing all green and who’s age is constantly changing from story line to story line? Well, then you’ll need a pair of these Hylian Adult Ears! Link is one of the most successful heroes throughout the ages. Sure, the young warrior always had aid from a medley of magical weaponry in order to take down Ganon and his underlings, but we strongly believe it was none of that which ensured each of his victories.No, we think it might have more so to do with his ears inherited through his Hylian bloodline. With those pointy bad boys, Link could easily hear everything going on during his battles. No one, not even Ganon, is able to sneak up on the famous left-handed hero, not as long as he has his Hylian Ears on each side of his noggin. Once you add this set of ear covers to your Link Costume you’ll be the ultimate hearo. Just don’t let anyone diminish your royal Hylian heritage by asking if you’re an elf… trust us, they are not worth your time. Just clear your surroundings of their insolence with a swift swing of your blade and a loud “HIYAH”!