Become an old maritime sailor in this exclusive Vintage Sailor Men’s Costume. This fun vintage twist on a sailor costume will make you the most unique looking sailor this Halloween.
There’s nothing like watching Navy sailors disembark for their leave on land, at least that’s what we’ve heard from the old-timers that lived during the age of the Navy. Those sailors who had been at sea spotting nary a mermaid or lady of the lake were always ecstatic to be back on land with access to a variety of people, food, and activities other than swapping the deck. So you can’t blame them for their excitement when they got to the city, an excitement that would spread to the civilians, making everyone pumped for Fleet Week when sailors in uniform would swarm the city to see all the popular sights. It must have been pretty awesome to work as a sailor in the 1930’s when the tradition of Fleet Week began. A Nebraska farm boy who’s never been out of the county and all of the sudden is sailing on the ocean with men from all over the country, visiting ports that he had only seen in black and white talkies, and eating SPAM… so much SPAM. That iconic uniform was instantly recognizable when they showed up in the big city, causing instant respect and heartthrobs to crop up where ever they tread in the city streets. Now wonder why we’re always trying to copy that look! If you want to have that nostalgic feeling then this costume will bring you back to those days of oceanic voyages. This ensemble has the bright white high-waisted pants, the jaunty cap, and navy blues of the classic uniform with a sense of Hollywood flair. While we might miss the era of Fleet week, there’s no reason to leave those dress whites behind so pull in the anchor and fasten your ascot, it’s time to see the world!