
Toddler Gray Suit Costume

He is up to no good! This Toddler Gray Suit Costume will turn your little guy into a little movie villain!


Is your little one up to no good?There’s a couple ways to tell if they aren’t. Try asking yourself the following: Can your child constantly be heard cackling or laughing maniacally? Does your child collect weapons like other children collect toys? Does your child use the words “fools,” “revenge,” or “nefarious plan for world domination” on a regular basis? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your child may be on their way to becoming a super villain.Don’t worry! The world is in need of a few exceptional super villains to keep this place exciting. Without them we wouldn’t have super heroes after all. Being the parent of a crazily ambitious toddler is definitely something to be proud of.So if you see your child holding their tiny finger up to their mouth, it might be time to consider upgrading their wardrobe to reflect their villainous nature. Our Toddler Gray Suit Costume would be the perfect outfit for a small child bent on world domination. You might need to keep an extra close eye on them when they wear this grey suit, though. Or else, who knows, you might one day turn your back and the next thing you know your child suddenly has a nuclear arsenal pointing at earth from their headquarters on the moon!