
The Pokemon Adult Pikachu Accessory Kit

Dash through Viridian Forest with the Pokemon Adult Pikachu Accessory Kit. Keep the Pidgey away with your Thundershock as Pikachu with this accessory kit.


We Choose Pika-You!Everyone has their favorite Pokemon. With all the different generations of the game, there are more and more to choose from. But if you’re anything like the great Ash Ketchum, then yours has remained the same throughout all the years. You still choose Pikachu as your favorite! This Halloween you can imagine yourself on an adventure through the Viridian Forest as your favorite electric pokemon when you dress up in this Adult Pikachu Accessory Kit. (Thunder)Shock everyone at the costume party when you show up as the original mascot of the Pokemon franchise!Your Halloween will be absolutely electric with the help of this simple costume kit. You won’t have to worry about those pesky sparrows and pidgeys bothering you and your friends. Hit ’em with a classic Thunderbolt Attack and you’ll send them flying to the nearest PokeCenter. Just be sure to keep an eye out for Team Rocket. They’ve been on the hunt for a Pikachu for as long as we can remember. You don’t want a Pokeball to be your next home. Sure, there’s no rent to pay but it can get pretty cramped in those balls. Oh, and the whole, being used as a weapon of destruction for an evil organization bent on world domination thing, would be pretty lame too…