
Owl Ears and Glasses

Who’s a smart shopper for Halloween? You are!! With a pair of Owl Ears and Glasses you’ll be instantly dressed for your next costume party!


Looking for that oh-so-hard-to-get and even harder-to-perfect mesmerizing look for your next office costume party? Does the boss have you working overtime, too? Don’t worry, you busy bird, we have you covered!The fastest way to dress up is, of course, to write “Dave” on a nametag and slap it on your chest. But if you’re looking for a raise and you want to go above and beyond, we strongly suggest at least getting out of your street clothes. And make sure whatever you choose matches these Owl Ears and Glasses, because, if done right, you might not even need to ask for that raise. Perhaps you may only need to perk up your orange ears and point your swirly eyes in her direction, finally uttering a soft, sweet hoooo, hoooo!