
Boys Briny Buccaneer Costume

This Briny Buccaneer Costume will be perfect if you’ve got a child whose always wanted to sail the seven seas for plunder!


When we found out about Briny’s School for piracy gifted children, we were scrambling to enroll our kids. A school that gives them both a solid education and the savvy to rule the high sea? That’s a worth a whole chest of gold for tuition! You might think that a school for high sea pirates wouldn’t teach applicable skills for today’s modern society but you’d be surprised. Just wait until you see the syllabuses for some of these seafaring classes! Briny’s School made their physics course more interesting than ever before with a hands-on course in cannonball launching. Young scalley wags enjoy. Earth science credits transfer easily to oceanography and no one ever forgets the lessons taught by a rogue wave! There are economic classes in looting and looting investments and of course, geography lessons in finding hidden booty from professors that previous classes have overthrown and made walk the plank. Hey, that’s how you graduate from Briney’s School. The professors don’t like it but that’s why they are paid the big booty!If you’re ready to sign your kiddo up for this university then you’ll have to suit them up right. This ensemble has striped red and black pants, a cool black top with an included vest and billowy sleeves with a fitted faux leather cuff. You’ll also get boot covers and a red and black headband. Get your little guy ready for the first day of school with this Briny Buccaneer Costume. His winning look will have him at the top of the class in no time!