
Area 51 Alien Adult Mask

Do they really do research on aliens in the remote Nevada Desert? This Area 51 Alien Adult Mask suggests that they do….


In a remote patch of the Mojave Desert in southern Nevada is a top secret government facility… what? Yes, Area 51. How’d you know? Popular knowledge? Since when?Okay, so someone told us you guys had no idea what Area 51 was. Clearly we have been misinformed. Can we safely assume you know about the extraterrestrials then? And the saucer? What about the alien tech? Dang. Maybe you should be filling us in on the details. You know what? It’s fine. It doesn’t even matter. The point is this: we have an Area 51 Alien Adult Mask. You could look like an alien yourself. If you want to scare people, or be part of the welcome wagon… what? No we’re not wearing masks, these are our normal faces. Why would you ask that?