You’ll have all the faith you need in a Black Wood Monk Cross. It’s the perfect way to accessorize a religious costume. You’ll feel heavenly with this symbolic cross!
Cause you gotta have faith! In 1987, George Michael’s super hit “Faith” made the whole cross-as-accessories craze come alive (some would say Madonna’s “Like A Prayer” did, but that song didn’t even come out until two years later!). And when you watch the video, it’s not hard to see why: an organ intro, Michael’s (mesmerizing) butt-shaking, some well-placed snaps, and a guitar riff that made you wanna do the ‘80s version of a hand jive was all we needed to feel like we were seeing a vision of God!So if you’re up for some similar religious experiences this Halloween, you’ll have all the faith you need in this Black Wood Monk Cross! A wooden cross with an attached white string, it’s the perfect way to accessorize your religious Halloween costume or give your ‘80s outfit a lil’ spiritual sass!