
Wicked Medusa Wig for Women

Become one of the scariest women in Greek mythology when you wear this Wicked Medusa Wig! It’s big, green, twisted and scary. It’s also an exclusive!


It really doesn’t matter where you look for ancient tales about some of the most famous of mythical creatures. Ultimately, the core of the tale rings pretty accurate no matter where you’re finding it. Such is the case of the mysterious Medusa. In some tales, she was a woman of such incredible beauty that she was cursed by jealous gods, turned into a monster that no mortal could handle looking upon, ultimately even meeting her own end upon seeing her horrific reflection. In others, she was a sorceress granted great magic by demons who ultimately subverted her form over several years. But, one great fear remains true of the mighty gorgon… her gorgeous locks of hair became a nest of hissing vipers!But, who is to say that a nest of serpent hair can’t still be pretty! Prove those jealous gods and cruel demons wrong by showing off this exotic and lovely Wicked Medusa wig. This synthetic weave of vibrant green dreadlocks have just enough of the entwined serpent look to give people a second thought about getting too close but are exotic and beautiful enough that they’ll have to take a second look! Join this with the right sequined green dress or a nice set of serpent contact lenses to turn monster into mystery!