Spread the peace, love and joy in the Women’s Rainbow Striped Tights.
Double Rainbow DilemmaNo matter how old we get, if there’s a rainbow in the sky, we’re going to get excited about it. Their existence has been explained to us. We know when to expect their appearance. It doesn’t matter. The joy of seeing a rainbow makes our days—especially if it’s a double rainbow!Seeing a double rainbow is not something we can all say we’ve done though. According to scientists, however, all rainbows are technically double (because of reasons). Despite that fact, we still don’t typically get to say we’ve seen two rainbows streaking through the sky at the same time. Luckily, we’ve found a way to ensure you get to see a double rainbow without waiting for the next perfect meteorological conditions to occur.Product DetailsIf you want all your rainbows to be double rainbows, these Rainbow Striped Tights will grant that specific wish—two legs, two rainbows! The mesh construction of these tights creates the same color-fade transition between stripes and truly turns your legs into our favorite weather phenomenon. They may not be splashed across a bright sky, but these tights guarantee every rainbow is double.Rainbows for DaysJust like the rainbow after a storm, these colorful tights are ready to turn even your greyest outfit into something spectacular. Don’t wait for the next rainy day to, maybe, catch sight of a double rainbow. Add a double rainbow to all your days with a pair of Rainbow Striped Tights!