
Sherlock Holmes Costume for Men

Nothing’s going to be elementary when you go in this classic Sherlock Holmes Costume!


Were you an inquisitive child in your younger days? Did you ask an endless series of Why or What’s that questions? So many per hour that you were about ready to make your parents ready to fall into the fetal position just so you might stop the perpetual interrogation? And, when they did, did you still loom over them and inquire, “Why are you doing that?”Well, of course you did. Didn’t all kids? But, the real question is if you kept up on this spectacular habit? Do you still have the knack for interrogation and the unending pool of curiosity fueling you to solve the most insidious of the world’s mysteries? Rather than attempt to convince you clever inquisitors to halt your investigations, instead try to praise you for your pursuits for the truth and lead you right down the road to becoming one of the best investigators of all time. Perhaps even the greatest, Sherlock Holmes!It is time to put your abilities to find the truth to the test. And, how better to do it than being clad in this Adult Sherlock Holmes costume? Made of conventional polyester, this coat and hat combo will give you the perfect blend of sophistication and intrigue to help solve all the cases along the way. A crisp set of buttons and an adjustable strap on the hat keep the garb fitting well. Add a few accessories like an oversized magnifying glass or a cob pipe and you’ll have Moriarty asking why he ever dared to come to your neighborhood to perpetuate his endless crime spree. Makes us wonder a bit what kind of kid he started off as!? Maybe endless questions aren’t so bad in comparison!