
Ninja Headpiece

Stalk around in the shadows when you’re wearing this ninja headpiece. Get this ninja headgear to complete your costume this Halloween.


A real ninja doesn’t need any special gear to do their job. All they need are their bare hands, some shadows to sneak around in, and a mission to carry out. Of course, if they happen to bring any special weapons or gear along for the ride, it will just make them an even deadlier warrior!We don’t want to tell you how to “ninja,” but if you’re putting together a sneaky costume to wear to a party, this Ninja Headpiece is definitely worth adding to it. This black cover may seem like a simple shroud, but looks can be deceiving. What this mask actually does for the true ninja assassin is make them mysterious, and there are few things more intimidating than a mysterious ninja! You can also wear it when you’re not on a covert mission. We’re sure your coworkers seeing you dart around the office in a ninja mask would lead to some interesting looks.