
El Diablo Adult Mask

There is only one way to beat the devil…join him! Become the devil this Halloween with this Adult El Diablo Mask.


The devil, Satan, Beelzebub if you will, by definition he is not a good guy. But just take a look at him, he’s so debonair! He’s got an old-fashioned air and wears it with style. His mustache is well waxed and trimmed, his hair slicked back with just the right amount of white. He’s no spring chicken but after thousands of years on the throne of the underworld he certainly still looks pretty good. When you’re playing devil you’re joining the ranks of Robert De Niro, Tom Waits, and even Billy Crystal. The king of the underworld is a classic character that can be portrayed a multitude of ways. This Diablo demands to be played with style. You can see him smoking a Cuban cigar, dressed a pinstripe suit, driving his Cadillac with a hell of a deal up his sleeve. This devil doesn’t deal in fiddles, even golden ones. No, he has an offer you can’t refuse, and all he wants is your soul.