
Adult Werewolf Costume

Howl at the next full moon when you were this adult werewolf costume! You can become a terrifying creature from a scary tale in this exclusive costume.


These days, everyone thinks they know everything there is to know about Lycanthropes, which is the fancy term for “werewolves” but like we said, everyone knows that. But we have uncovered a dark secret about these beasts that will spook and shock you to the core! You don’t need to get bitten by a werewolf to turn into one, like it’s always been believed. You can just put on our exclusive Werewolf Costume to transform into this creature of the night!With all of the problems out there in today’s fast paced society, it’s easy to forget about the things people used to have to worry about in the Old World, like getting sick, or where to get food. Today, you can just get a shot, or steal someone’s sandwich, but werewolves are still out there, waiting to make their big comeback after spending way too many years off of our radar, and they are definitely still a threat! The scariest thing about werewolves is that a person may not realize they even are one until it’s too late. Anyone could be one of these ravenous shape shifters… maybe even you!Okay, maybe we’re getting a bit paranoid, but that’s just from us spending all that time designing this ferocious looking costume! We’ve just made it so scary (and furry) that it’s hard to stop thinking about werewolves hiding behind every tree. There’s faux fur popping out of the sleeves and open chest of the shirt, which matches the wolf hood and shoe covers to make you look furry and furious! After you add some tattered pants and a little makeup to give yourself a monstrous complexion, your werewolf transformation will be complete!