
Adult Rabbi Costume

Oy! Don’t be the poor schmuck shlepping around without a kosher costume. Muster up the chutzpah to wear this funny Adult Rabbi Costume and you’ll be cheering ‘Mazel Tov’ all night!


Shalom! You can party like a rabbi who’s ready to rock in this Rabbi Uniform Costume. He’s done all his recitations, and he’s ready to get down to some Matisyahu.Rabbi means teacher, but nobody likes a know-it-all, so make sure to keep your presumably wise but meandering and slightly inscrutable parables to a minimum when chatting folks up around the punch bowl at the Halloween party. While people may defer to your sagacious ways in this costume, don’t get cocky about your rabbinical authority––it doesn’t actually give you the training necessary to preside over a Kosher slaughter, a bar or bat mitzvah, or a bris. As the evening goes on, however, doling out a little bit of marriage counseling to your friends and acquaintances is never unwelcome, even from a non-expert source. Mazel!