

Is your kid one of those intense dairy enthusiasts? Maybe for a year, the punchline to every joke was an enthusiastic “cheese”. Maybe for their birthday, all they wanted was a large chocolate shake, forget the ice cream cake, there are too many other ingredients mixed in with the delicious pure ice cream. Forget that peanut butter and jelly sandwich without a cold, tall glass of milk on the side, it’s just not worth it! While your child could dress up as a lump of cheese for their next costume, that wouldn’t quite cover all of the wondrous foods that they have fallen for. Sure, cheese is good but way too often it gets all the praise while other dairy goes ignored. What’s a piece of toast for without butter? Where would we be without the soft and pliable cream cheese for our cheesecakes? You see, dairy is a complicated and seemingly limitless world and your child’s passion has just scraped the surface of it, like scraping the fat off the top of a vat of milk.  So, whether your child is dressing up for a parade or for Halloween they’re sure to have plenty of fun with this cozy costume. Loose enough to slip on over clothing they’ll stay warm while they’re moseying from door to door. To make this costume complete get your child a wad of bubblegum to chew so they’ll seem like they’re chewing their cud all evening. After all there’s a reason milk tastes so good. Making grass into delicious dairy products is a labor-intensive process!