These royal blue furry boot covers are a fun choice to complete your sexy monster costume. We carry these exclusive boot covers in multiple colors.
Everyone goes through their cosmetic rituals when they are getting themselves shined and proper for a night on the town. No judgment, here! We know it can be difficult with all those lofty expectations from those in the dating pool. So concerned with any body hair being at all the wrong color, length… It has to be exhausting and it’s not fair. We believe whole-heartedly that you should be your own you and embrace that!That said, a little cosmetic aid for your own enjoyment is A-OK and we are here to support all of those needs. So, when you are getting ready to get out on the town and your leg fur just isn’t cooperating and hasn’t grown to the monstrous length or given the shimmering azure shade that you’ve been working towards, you know that you can turn to us and make good use of the Royal Blue Furry Boot Covers. No longer will you need to wear long pants to cover your legs when your fuzzy monster hair just isn’t cooperating. Stay warm and regal while you’re doing your Monster Mash!