
Latex Chewbacca Hands

Do we really need to stress the importance of a these Latex Chewbacca Hands? We will if you want to…At last you’ll have the mighty Chewbacca!


If you want to be Han Solo’s co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon, then you’ve got to have a firm Wookie-like grip. Normally, it would take an average human decades of working out to even come close to the strength of one of those hairy aliens but you can skip out on the harsh training regimen with these Deluxe Chewbacca Hands. Once you slip your hands into these latex gloves you’ll be ready to handle a bowcaster out on the battlefield, to rip the arms off of your opponents in holochess, and to do much more on your adventure to a galaxy far, far away.Add this pair of hands to your Chewbacca Costume and you won’t have to worry about your fleshy human hands ruining the sci-fi illusion you’re hoping to create this Halloween. They are the perfect touch to a perfect Chewy disguise. All you’ll need to master, once you have these gloves, is that iconic roar of his. So make sure to practice your Shyriiwook at home so you don’t offend any real Wookiees walking around on Halloween with your Chewbacca impersonation!