
Child Skeleton Jumpsuit Costume

Your kiddo will have a blast in this skeleton jumpsuit. Halloween night is going to be frightfully fun!


“The leg bone’s connected to the arm bone. The arm bone’s connected to the. . . ” Wait, what? That’s not how the song goes? Maybe, like us, it’s been a long time since you learned that song. Humans are complicated, how are we supposed to know how our inner structure is organized? Your child is, once again, here to help. You can tell them that you’re buying them a cool Halloween costume. To be fair, it is cool and they will like it. While they are having a grand old time in their jumpsuit, you can start relearning about the human skeletal structure. There are all these little parts that you can so easily forget. Sure, this skeleton doesn’t have absolutely every bone in the body but you’ll at least be able to get a nice overview. Your kid won’t mind being your teacher either. They’ll have a great time spooking you as they pose in dark corners or lie in wait behind doors. Hey, having the dickens scared out of you by your beloved offspring is a small price to pay for an anatomy lesson you’ll never forget. Your kid will have a blast in this simple and spooky costume. The jumpsuit allows for some nutty Halloween antics with it’s simple and loose design. Trick-or-treating will be a lively event as your child poses with picturesque spooky trees and pumpkins. No bones about it, this skeleton is a Halloween classic.