
The Toddler Red Dragon Bubble Costume

Get your little one all fired up with this Toddler Red Dragon Bubble Costume. Turn your toddler into a fire breathing dragon with this adorable costume.


Ready for AdventureThere are a lot of ways that dragons are vastly different from humans. That should come as obvious. They’ve got all those scales. They can breathe fire and fly. They hatch out of eggs. You know. The list can go on and on, there. But, we’re talking about the things that you notice right away in terms of their personalities pretty much right out of the egg!The rumors go that dragons have a sort of magical instinct that helps them listen to what’s going on in the world and be ready to get running the second they pop out of their egg. (You know how horses are ready to right straight from the get-go?) It seems that once a dragon first gets to stretch out their wings, they’re already going to be on the hunt for treasure, itching to build up their horde. (They’ll even go to crazy lengths to protect their favorite shinies right away. No such thing as fear of knights or magical words like “No.”) Product DetailsIf any of this sounds familiar to you, it is possible that you’ve got a little dragon growing up in your midst. There’s some important things you need to know for the caretaking of those little monsters. One, they grow quickly, so it is important to get costumes that have a bit of give to them. This Red Dragon Bubble Costume is a perfect example. This is a fully lined tunic with stuffing between it and the gleaming gold and red shell. Shining wings and a stuffed tail are sewn to the back of the costume and the hood straps in with hook and loop fasteners, so it’s pretty easy to transform your tyke back when it’s bath time. Shoe covers finish off the job, though collecting treasure will be all your tyke’s responsibility. Flapping for FunAll dragons have to figure out their mobility on their own. So, they can be a little awkward at first as they tumble around the lair with their cute little feet and flappy wings. But, they figure all that out pretty quickly, so this Dragon Bubble costume will soon be their favorite look to sport!