
Small Latex Antlers

Join the woodland creatures, and add these Small Latex Antlers to your costume for the perfect authentic look.


There are a lot of great things about these Small Latex Antlers, but one of the unexpected perks is that simply using them will make you more deerlike—you’ll have to sit very, very still and pay keen attention if you want to take your woodland look from average to amazing!Let’s face it: makeup is where it’s at to take an animal look to the next level of costume cool. Ears and tails and faux fur are nice and all, but an animal’s face is its most distinct feature. If this all sounds complicated, don’t worry—this set is designed to help you master a look you can really fawn over!This kit is handy and informative, and it even has application instructions printed right onto the package. Just make sure you have spirit gum to apply them and adhesive remover to take them off! As lovely as they are, we don’t think you’ll want to try sleeping with them still on your noggin. Now that you’ve nailed your forest-ready look, you’ll need to practice another deer-like quality: agility. We don’t really have a product to help you with that, but good luck getting your movements to match your spot-on costume!