
Roald Dahl The Twits Mr. Twit Costume Kids

Unleash your inner villain in this Roald Dahl The Twits Kids Mr. Twit Costume. This purple kids costume comes complete with a bushy wig/beard combination.


An Odd CoupleFor decades, kids and adults alike have been delighted by the strange and silly worlds of Roald Dahl’s books for children. While he wrote stories for adults, too, it’s the kid ones that stick in everyone’s minds. His descriptions of people are so vivid, and sometimes just so gross, that you can’t forget them! One of those memorable stories is about Mr. and Mrs. Twit, two pretty despicable people. However, the story is full of pranks that the couple play on each other, and kids love a good prank. They might pull a trick or two on you in this Roald Dahl The Twits Kids Mr. Twit Costume!Product DetailsThis costume comes with all the clothing and props you need to create the perfect Mr. Twit! The purple pants and jacket are covered with icky looking splotches. It might be paint, but chances are it’s that dreadful Hug-Tight Sticky Glue. Another essential feature of Mr. Twig is his wild hair. You’ll need both the wig and the beard to look as wild as he does! Finally, the pot of Hug-Tight Sticky Glue and the brush are also included. Looks like Mr. Twit is ready to terrorize the neighborhood birds again!A Size SmallerYou know, Mr. Twit looks pretty darn perfect, but does he look smaller to you? Oh no! The man has fallen victim to the Dreaded Shrinks! He is going to keep shrinking until he turns to nothing! We’re kidding—your child will not shrink into nothingness. At least, we don’t think so. Maybe if Mr. Twit had been a nicer person, he wouldn’t have shrunk. The man was a prankster, but his pranks were mean! Perhaps this child version of Mr. Twit will have nicer, funnier tricks to share while trick or treating.