Dreaming of a simpler time when you could just pop on this Hillbilly Hat and commence the jiggling? Yeah, we get caught in that daydream too. The good news is, it’s totally for sale.
Do you love waking up every morning to the sound of frantic banjo picking? Is the risk of being bitten by terribly venomous snakes not enough to dissuade you from going fishing bare-handed? Do you like making your own powerful liquor in dangerous and explosive stills in the middle of the woods? Are you not reading this costume description because the county you live in hasn’t gotten electricity yet? Do you own more dogs than you have teeth? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a hillbilly and you’ll need an appropriate hat.Our Hillbilly Hat is a handsome felt affair complete with charming red feather and elegant corn cob pipe attached. When you sport this jazzy number to the general store, you’re guaranteed a lot of attention from all the local ladies. They will be jealous of your hat!