The All in One Horror Makeup Kit allows for so many scary looks this Halloween! What scary creation will you go with?
More than a Pretty FaceA Halloween costume can morph you into anything that your heart desires, if only for an evening. The transformation is an appealing prospect for anyone from ages five to fifty. It’s even more thrilling for those of us who love a good scare. After all, we are encouraged to be funny, or pretty, or cute every day of the year. There are very few times when we’re really allowed to let our spooky side loose for an evening! So, take advantage of the Halloween holiday. There’s no need to stop with a gothic outfit when it comes to a classic vamp look, take your costume one step further with this rich makeup collection. Product DetailsWhatever scary character you’re creating this year, this makeup kit will come in handy! It contains ghoulish creme makeup, detail sticks, applicators, and blood capsules. You’ll also be able to play with liquid latex for creating rotting skin or scars, a tube of horror flesh, and most importantly even more blood. With all this variety, you don’t even have to decide on your costume before ordering! Not a makeup expert? No problem. This set comes with instructions for a variety of looks so you’ll be ready to spread the fear no matter what your character might be!ShowtimeSo if you’re ready to head out in the world, fresh face forward, remember the details. Whether you’re going as a werewolf, a vampire, or even a dummy, you’re sure to love all the things this set can do! And if you’re feeling a little artistically stuck, just remember, the more blood the better!