This 3D Santa Face Ugly Christmas Sweater is perfect for any holiday party!
Santa already knows if you’ve been naughty or nice. He knows when you are sleeping, and he know when you are awake. He knows all the dastardly deeds you have done. He knows how many times you’ve helped little old ladies across the street, and how many times you’ve called your grandmother. So If he already knows everything, why not just take him with you wherever you go?This 3D Santa Face Sweater will help remind you to be on your best behavior at all times. Even during the non-Christmas times of year. You will be looking for ways to stay off the naughty list. You might be tempted to get a little boozed up, and be naughty, all you’ll have to do is look down at Santa’s 3D face to remember that you should be good. Although, we’re sure that Santa likes to hit the egg nog a few times a year too.