
White Lace Fan Accessory

You’ll never feel fancier than when you’re fanning yourself on a hot day. This White Lace Fan looks great with a Southern or Victorian costume.


Ready to beat the heat? Summer will be here before you know it. But, you also never know when you might find yourself in a stuffy, crowded room, and you would gladly pay top dollar for a cool breeze. It’s in these instances that you are going to be glad you planned ahead. But, how does one prepare to change the very climate around them? Well, one classy way to cool off is with this White Lace Fan. Even with all the high tech gadgets out there, this handheld fan is still the most reliable, portable, and just darn sophisticated method of chilling out. Whip it open it when you need to fan yourself off, and then close it back up once you’re comfortable again. It really couldn’t be simpler, or any more elegant. Whether you’re dressed as a Southern belle or a Victorian aristocrat, this fancy fan is the perfect way to keep a cool head!