
Old Lady Mask

Why… You’ve aged some since the last time I’ve seen you … How have things been going? Do some advanced aging without all the wrinkles with this Old Lady Mask.

Items Included
  • Old Lady Mask
  • Latex mask
  • Molded to look like an old lady’s face and hair
  • Open mouth area allows for easy speech


Have you ever wondered what you might look like when those wrinkles finally start to come in, and your hair starts to gray up? Maybe you just want to see how easy it is to be an old person? We can’t say us young’uns have had people help us across the street ever since we learned how to look both ways, and maybe getting someone to carry our groceries for us would be nice. Then you can even finally play cribbage with all your friends on a Saturday night, stay up until nine if your feeling crazy, get a solid eight hours of sleep in before you wake up at five, and do it all over again! Dang, we’re getting pretty excited just thinking about it. Maybe we should give it a try and throw one of these masks on ourselves. Just think of all the bingo parties we could go to! Not to mention the senior discounts at restaurants, we could keep our left turn signal on forever, and when we felt like staying out late, we can just toss the mask off, and be our youthful selves again!
