When there’s evil on the attack, you can rest knowing he’s got your back! This Teen Titans Beast Boy Costume gives any kid the chance to become the teams jokester supehero.
You know when you have to answer those quizzes or hypothetical questions about which animal you would be? The ones that post you all sorts of weird questions about your favorite color or where you’d like to go on vacation? Then they want to know your favorite number and if you’d prefer to have a window, aisle, or window seat? Somehow they calculate all of those factors together and, probably based on whether or not you chose an ocean side or desert location or the number four over the number eight, the quiz comes back to let you know that you want to be a walrus? A walrus? Because I like water and the number four: walrus.It is limiting and offensive. Who are you to say that we want to be a walrus, quiz? There are so many options out there, countless animal lives that are all unique and wonderful in their own way! How can anyone pick a single animal to be when we live on an Earth with over 8 million estimated species… and that doesn’t even include the alien creatures that live below the sea or above the stars! Fortunately, there is one guy who never ever has to make that limited decision. Or, rather, he has to make that decision every few minutes, but can choose anything he wants each time! Beast Boy!And now you, too, can be spared those unfair limitations when you step into the bright purple pants of the Teen Titan’s own shapeshifting ball of chaos with this Teen Titan’s Beast Boy costume. The purple jumpsuit has black sleeves and boot covers as well as an iconic utility belt for your wasit. The soft mask of Beast Boy’s delightfully green grinning face wraps over your head and will have everyone seeing you feeling warm with joy. Shapeshifting powers aren’t included, sadly, but you never know what might develop!