This Hellboy (2019) Child Hellboy Costume is detailed and intense, just like Hellboy himself! Dress up your child as this Cambion for a truly egdy Halloween.
Just Like Us…MostlyHellboy may be a big and scary looking demon summoned from actual Hell, but once upon a time, he was just a baby. Can you picture it? A small boy, with dark red skin and maybe some small horns growing in. He had to learn and play and eat, just like any other kid. He may be a demon, but he has a human dad—his adoptive father, Trevor Bruttenholm. His childhood is a big part of why he fights for earth and not for Hell! Kid fans of the recent movie adaptation will love playacting as the grown Hellboy, with everything scaled down to size, in this Hellboy (2019) Child Hellboy Costume.Product DetailsThis costume has every piece necessary to recreate the powerful Cambion, starting with all the muscles. Your child will love flexing in the mirror with these foam-shaped arm guns! More stuffing fills out the chest, so that the red skin really does look like muscle. A long jacket hides the back closures of the sleeveless muscle shirt, as well as the ties from the foam belt. The vinyl mask features Hellboy’s iconic shaved-off horns. It is also attached to the wig, so nothing will jostle out of place. Last but not least, take a look at the epic Right Hand of Doom! This foam replica is the cherry on top of this majestic costume.One Demon for the WorldThe world has a lot of enemies. From Nazis and the Third Reich to the Blood Queen Nimue herself, there is only one man (one demon man) who can stop them. In this screenworthy costume, your child is definitely up for the challenge! It’s time to trick or treat in style, and if some villain shows up, you’re in safe hands. Hellboy is here!