
Adult Sewer Rat Costume

Gross people out as you rummage through garbage in the Adult Sewer Rat Costume. Your neighbors are going to have a rodent problem!


YO, GOT ANY SNACKS?People call me a street rat like it’s a bad thing. What’s wrong with my lifestyle, huh? Nothin’, that’s what I say. Lemme tell you a thing or two ’bout rats like me: we’re resilient and we never give up until we get what we want. See that bagel over there? Yea, the one that little kid is gnawing on. I’m going to scurry over there and grab it out of his chubby little hands. Ya know why? ‘Cuz my tummy’s growlin’ and a street rat’s gotta do, what a street rat’s gotta do. No mercy on these tough streets. Of course, I’m not proud of stealin’; I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea about me and my kind but, do you have any idea how hard it is to randomly find food laying on the ground? It ain’t easy bud, but let me tell you somethin’, my friend Tony, he found the most delicious slice of pizza not too long ago. It was amazing. He dragged it back to the rat den and shared it with me and a few buddies. It was unbelievable!Anyway, I want you to know wearin’ the street rat costume is an honor. It shows you’re scrappy and strong, not like these squirrels runnin’ around out here. Jeesh, they make me sick! Anyway, wear this costume and come down to the rat den and chill with me and a few buddies of mine. Oh yea and bring a few snacks, will ya? We’re gettin’ hungry.      PRODUCT DETAILSThe adult street rat costume is a Made by Us creation, meaning it’s high-quality and expertly designed. The faux fur jumpsuit features a back zipper and a stuffed tail. Mitts and shoe covers are attached to the sleeves and pant legs, respectively. The hood/mask lets you look out through the rat’s mouth, and closes with hook & loop fastener at the back.HEY, I’M SCAMPERIN’ HEREGet your buddy to dress in a pizza costume for a pop-culture-relevant BFF costume, worthy of 1st prize!